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Alliance Leveling Guide 1-90

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Alliance Leveling Guide 1-90
« on: March 15, 2022, 01:54:20 AM »
Alliance Leveling Guide 1-90
(MoP Alliance Leveling Guide)

1-10 Your starting area
10-15 Westfall
20-25 Duskwood
25-35 Stonetalon Mountains
35-45 Cape of Stranglehorn
45-50 Felwood
50-52 Badlands
52-54 Burning Steppes
54-58 Swamp of Sorrows

58-62 Blasted Lands
62-66 Zangarmarsh, Terokkar Forest
66-68 Nagrand

68-73 Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra
73-76 Dragonblight
76-80 Sholazar Basin, Storm Peaks

81-83 Mount Hyjal
83-84 Deepholm, Uldum
84-85 Twilight Highlands

85-90 Pandaria, Jade Forest, Kun-Lai Summit, Townlong Steppes, Dread Wastes

« Last Edit: March 15, 2022, 01:57:16 AM by Nemsy »

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